What is Active H-?First of all, let us speak frankly and honestly about what Microhydrin is not:
It's not a drug
It's not a treatment for any medical problem.
It's not to be used topically ... meaning on your skin.
It's not a cure for any disease.
Active H- is a revolutionary product developed to improve your internal environment effectively. It consists of safe, natural source minerals processed by proprietary methods and formulated as a dietary supplement The time-released mineral powder helps to counteract the typical unhealthy conditions we live with today by safely increasing both the alkalinity (pH level) and the antioxidant potential of blood and body tissues. Active H- is the most potent free radical fighter available anywhere today. It allows our internal environment to maintain a higher level of electrical conductivity, which is critical for healthy cell functioning. Each VEGICAP of Active H- provides 300 mg of nanocolloidal silica in a hydride form dispersed in a matrix of Flanagan Microclusters.
How Does Active H- Work?The principle behind Active H- activity is simple. When Active H- comes into contact with stomach fluids, the formulation time releases negatively charged hydrogen ions. These ions cause a reduction in oxidation potential (redox) in the body, helping to create an internal environment that simultaneously promotes healthy cell growth and function, and discourages the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria, fungi and viruses, which prefer more acidic (less alkaline) conditions inside the body.
The hydride is a compound containing hydrogen, the smallest of all atoms. Each tiny hydrogen atom contains an extra electron. As such, it can provide more electrons than any other antioxidant. As the silica hydride passes through the digestive system, hydrogen gives off electrons to neutralize free radicals. When consumed, it releases these much-needed extra electrons into your body, which improves your biological terrain.
Also, the hydrogen atom, minus the extra electron, combines with oxygen, to create water. The water hydrate the surrounding cells generating millions of “sprinklers” which delivers the anti-aging effect of Active H-. The slightly alkaline water washes away the acid salts that coat the cell membranes, restoring the negative electrical charge, so vital for attracting the oxygen molecules for aerobic cell metabolism.
What Does Active H- do Nutritionally?
Preliminary clinical tests indicate that the consumption of Active H- provides the body with at least three critical nutritional benefits:
1. By changing the environment inside your cells to a pH range unfriendly to bacteria and viruses, Active H- can, along with other superfoods, give the immune system the additional boost it needs to rid itself of a variety of infections.
"Active H-, the most powerful anti-oxidant in existence, is the only known anti-oxidant that does not itself become a free radical after it gives up electrons."
2. There are a large number of loosely-bound extra hydrogen electrons in each Active H- capsule that are easily sacrificed in order to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. The sheer number of these electrons makes Active H- many thousands of times more powerful than virtually any other antioxidant on the market today.
3. Active H-'s extremely small molecular size, combined with the remarkably increased cellular absorption made biochemically possible by Flanagan Microcluster Technology, can dramatically increase oxygen uptake by the cells from the bloodstream.
In short, Active H- helps create a favorable biological terrain inside the body so that we can more easily overcome disease, slow down the aging process, and stay healthy and vibrant.
How Does Active H- Work in the Body?
Scientists have known for years that certain bacteria and viruses can only flourish in a very narrow pH (acid-alkaline) range. Since unfriendly bacteria and viruses prefer a slightly acid environment for rapid growth (which is what makes us sick), the biochemical challenge has been to find a way to change the pH levels inside our cells to a slightly more alkaline range, without upsetting other important intracellular bio-chemical reactions. Since available hydrogen is what determines pH levels, Active H-'s stable hydrogen molecular structure, combined with Flanagan Microcluster Technology, allows hydrogen to enter our cells, altering the environment to one that is more hostile towards unfriendly foreign matter.
Biological Terrain
Just as weathermen describe our environment by measuring temperature, wind, and air pressure, scientists describe the environment of our bodies by measuring three conditions in our blood.
These are:
Acidity or Alkalinity pH ( power of Hydrogen) level
Antioxidant power or redox ( reduction of oxidation) potential
Electrical conductivity
The "weather" report, which describes the overall environment of our cells, and which is based on the above measures, is called Biological Terrain. The instrument used to test body fluids is named the Bio-logical Terrain Analyzer.
When the biological terrain of our bodies is outside the healthy range, or if our blood and body tissues are too acidic, we cannot function optimally at the cellular level, and we become more susceptible to cancer and other diseases as well as more rapid physical deterioration and aging.
The incidence of many chronic and life -threatening diseases has increased in this century due to the consumption of over-processed, low-nutrient value foods and thousands of new chemicals invading our air and water. Our body fluids, and therefore, the biological terrain, are affected negatively.
Scientists are discovering that the transport of hydrogen may be the missing factor in the search for the cause of aging and the secret to age reversal. As we grow older, our cells become dehydrated, and our "hydrogen" pool becomes depleted.
This is also true of our body's water content. As we get older, we start to "dry out," and the aging process begins to gain momentum. It is hydrogen that protects our cells from oxidative free radical damage. Virtually all longevity researchers agree that free radicals are responsible for the aging process.
Alkalinity, Free Radicals and Electrical Conductivity
Pollution, stress, and the consumption of highly processed foods tend to create acidic body fluids—a characteristic compatible with certain diseases. All cellular waste, and most internally generated toxins, are acidic. Active H- tends to increase pH to a less acidic, more alkaline condition. Our eating habits and living conditions create a high level of dangerous free radicals in our bodies that contribute to the increasing incidence of cancer, viral and bacterial diseases, and other major debilitating conditions which have all increased in this century.
Free radicals are atoms, groups of atoms or organic compounds having at least one unpaired electron, which makes them highly reactive and unstable. Some free radicals occur as a normal byproduct of oxidation reactions in metabolism but most are caused by unhealthy living conditions that include pollution, poor diet and stress.As we constantly generate free radicals, they move through the body stealing electrons from healthy tissues in order to satisfy their needs, while damaging those "victimized" tissues. They even steal electrons from our DNA, the command center of our cells, causing the cells to become potentially cancerous.
Antioxidants are compounds that freely surrender electrons to the free radicals, stabilizing and neutralizing them and rendering them harmless. Vitamin C, beta carotene, Vitamin E and selenium are examples of powerful antioxidants. But, these are different from Active H-, in that when they surrender electrons to other free radicals that need them, they become free radicals themselves, and they then have to steal electrons from each other. This is why it is necessary to make sure that multiple antioxidants are taken together.
Active H- is the only known antioxidant that does not itself become a free radical after it gives up electrons. The molecules present in each capsule of Active H- are many thousands of times smaller and more abundant than the molecules present in a capsule of any other commonly used anti-oxidant such as Vitamin C or E. This is why Active H- is considered such a powerful nutrient.
Water without minerals will not conduct electricity. Messages from cells are vital to their functions but will not be transmitted if minerals are inadequate in the body fluids between and inside the cells. Because our soils and the vegetables we eat are often depleted of trace minerals, our body fluids tend to be low in the minerals necessary to transmit vital messages. This can lead to frequent fatigue, poor mental function, and diseases. Active H- tends to increase electrical conductivity to body fluids.
Intracellular Oxygen
An adequate amount of oxygen inside every single cell of our bodies is necessary for the many life-giving biochemical processes that occur. Unfortunately, many people suffer from intracellular hypoxia, or inadequate amounts of oxygen to fuel the cell's metabolism.
Many of these people have an adequate amount of oxygen circulating in their bloodstreams, but because of various nutritional deficiencies, the oxygen is unable to enter the cell where it's needed. Often, this intra-cellular hypoxia is seen in patients suffering from various chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.
By ingesting Active H-, we are actually increasing the oxygenation of our bodies. Many people who take Active H- report feelings of increased energy within about twenty minutes, and this is due to the increased oxygen flow to the brain. The hydrogen ion dispersed into the body by Active H- is used in the manufacture of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which is the naturally occurring energy molecule in the human body.
Hydrogen and Oxygen
Everyone knows that the body needs oxygen in order to live. Recently, much attention has been focused on oxygen therapies. What many do not know is that we need hydrogen as much as we need oxygen. Oxygen burns hydrogen in the living system, releasing the energy that runs our bodies.
Studies have shown that the human body stores hydrogen in its tissues. As we age, tissue hydrogen-depletion may lead to many of the symptoms of the aging process. This may cause sub-clinical dehydration, since it appears that hydrogen may play a role in hydrating our cells.
Symptoms of hydrogen depletion may include fatigue, depression, hormone im-balances and indigestion. As our tissues are depleted of hydrogen, they become stiff and lose flexibility.
Dehydrated tendons and muscles tear more easily, and dehydrated bones become brittle. Loss of lung flexibility leads to loss of oxygen. By replenishing our hydrogen stores, we maybe able to relieve many of these conditions.
Regular consumption of Active H- may help to replenish low hydrogen levels in the body, balancing the pH level of bodily fluids, improving antioxidant potential and electrical conductivity throughout, and therefore, providing the environment conducive to overall good health.
THE BIG MISTAKE (experience of the author)
A few unfortunate persons have ordered a bottle of Active H-TM and said they didn't "feel" anything so they didn't order more. Big mistake! Maybe we have such a drug oriented society that we have to "feel" something to assess its' worth.
Maybe some do, but I don't "feel a rush of energy" when I take Active H-. However, I sure know its worth. I have stopped colds and bladder infections in one day megadosing. I normally eat two a day and brush my teeth with 1/4th capsule. Seven months after starting Active H- at that rate my cholesterol dropped 30 points and the LDLs dropped 40 (they were already normal). An esophageal spasm problem ceased. I don't even need Tums now! A fibrosistic breast lump got smaller for the first time in 15 years, and breast pain disappeared. But—I don't "feel" anything when I eat a Active H- capsule! I do know I don't go to bed tired, and that if I don't eat it I get tired easily. Wow! What if I had decided I didn't "feel" anything and stopped with the first bottle! Thank you. Thank you Mrs. Flanagan!
In a recent conference call Dr. Ron Meyers told about the studies done on brains of people who died of Alzheimer's Disease. The Alzheimer's patients' brain had a certain bacteria in it. Those who did not die of Alzheimer's did not have these bacteria in the brain. I'm sure the Alzheimer's person did not "feel" that bacteria proliferating in their brain. Dr. Meyers has had "remarkable results using Active H- with Alzheimer's patients of two years symptomatic". He has also found that Active H-TM has significantly reduced the plaque in hardening of the arteries. I'm sure these lucky patients didn't "feel" anything when eating Active H-.
By making the cell slightly alkaline, Active H- creates the biological terrain that allows the body to heal itself. The body needs raw ingredients to work. The microclustered products are a great saving. If you eat a nominal Vitamin C, it will absorb 20% at the most. That is, if your intestines are in good shape and the tablet actually dissolves. The microclustered Vitamin C (Extra-Cee) can be absorbed 100%. Why do some people get pleasant side effects when they eat Active H-? Is it because they were nutrient deficient or already nutrient abundant? I don't know. I also don't know anyone that "feels" a rush of energy when they eat Active H-. Dr. Dennis Higgins explained to me what he meant by "energy". He said that if you had a golf cart that had a battery that would go exactly one mile and put Active H- in that battery, it would go two miles, but not faster. That's why the 70 year old woman who was busy packing and moving said that she realized that she never could have done all this before Active H-.
Active H- is an amazing discovery. The world needs to know about it. Its' benefits are still being discovered after being on the market for five years. Whether you "feel" anything or not, you know that one capsule equals 10,000 glasses of orange juice in redox (reduction of oxidation) value. If you understand free radical danger and realize the antioxidant need, there is no solution on earth that is anywhere near comparable.
We remember when we feel bad, but forget when we feel better. Dr. Ron Meyers